
Special Kids... Special Needs

Live Art, The Lesson I learned

By Carissa July 1, 2016
One of the things that I love about this site and our community is our ability to share and learn.
I am in the process of applying for the DD waiver for our son. I will have more info on that in another post, as I am gathering info on what you will need to do with the new procedures starting July 1.

Marky had his first assessment today at VCU Child Development Clinic. Most of the questions in the 5 part segments were directed to me and were pretty basic info to answer. 2 sections were for Marky to answer. There were some moments that were a struggle for me to see his struggle, but, that is why I am doing this process, with the hope to be able to have more resources and assistance to guide him in his life.

The moment I wanted to share with you all is this-
He was asked to “write down 5 things you see at the grocery store ”
He did just that.
Such a literal mind.
I hope that his, and all others that have this incredibly cool mind , can be accepted and adapted into our typical and familiar mindset. He followed the instruction the way it was asked!

I love his mind.
