
Hi From Carissa!

In Full Summer Mode!

June 22, 2012

I spent two days this week on an adventure with our HS Grad! We had her orientation for college and although it was meant primarily to help acclimate the students, I was in much need of this eye opener and the bonding we shared together is now one of my fondest memories.

If you have been reading my openings for awhile, you know I have been pretty laid back about her departure, making many jokes about her bag being packed already- by me. Well, reality hit a little and I am sad. I do not want her to grow up nor do I want her to leave. I know it is all going to happen and I know it will all be wonderful for her. As I sat in the meetings geared towards the parents, listening to the faculty teaching US how to let go, telling US how we will adjust and giving US the tools we will need to get through this, I realized that this orientation is not for the students. It IS for US, the parents that are going to be a little lost, this basically was a support group and we were tricked- Thank Goodness the Radford Faculty were smart enough to think of us!

I was very impressed with the "home" she will have for the next 4 years while pursuing her education. I feel very confident she will thrive, learn and grow in all the ways she is supposed to. I just wish it was all happening a little bit slower- ya know?

Having my mom here for the past 10 days was so great for all of us, she left the other day and we are missing her! It is a treat to have mom around, if you are lucky enough to have yours around on a regular basis- give her an extra hug!

There is much happening this week and we have it all here for you!
Take your time to check out all of our great articles too!

Check out my latest board on Pinterest! SUMMER RECIPES!
Wishing you a wonderful week,

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