
Special Kids... Special Needs

An alternative to SOL's for students with Disabilities.

By Info provided by Alycia Wright , Henrico County June 22, 2012

The Virginia Modified Achievement Standards Test (VMAST) is a viable option for students with
disabilities who are either on grade level or working to achieving grade level content, however are unlikely to pass the traditional SOL's.  Currently, a math VMAST is available for grades 3-8 and Algebra I. In the Spring of 2012, a reading VMAST assessment will be rolled out to students.  What's the difference between an SOL and a VMAST?  First, a student must be found eligible for the VMAST criteria by the IEP team walking through a criteria worksheet. Here are a few of the eligibility requirements.
Students with Disabilities
Identified by IEP Teams
Instructed in grade level content
Disability prevents students from reaching grade level achievement in the same time frame as other students

What does a student who take the VMAST traditionally "look like?"
Works at a slower pace
Has deficits in factual knowledge
Has difficulties engaging with materials
Benefits from differentiated instruction and additional instructional time
Requires a high level of support
May have below grade level reading ability
May have retention or memory deficits

The main difference between an SOL/VMAST is the IEP. Traditionally, IEPs have focused on a student acquiring basic academic, access, and functional skills and have had little relationship to a specific academic area or grade-level expectations. In contrast, the process used to develop a standards-based IEP is directly tied to the state’s content standards. Both the student’s present level of performance and some of the annual IEP goals are aligned with and based on the state’s grade-level standards which creates a plan that is aimed at getting the student to a proficient level on the state standards.

What are the actual test differences?
Let's start by noting that “Modified” does not mean that the content is modified.  Items are still based on grade level content and the VMAST test is given the same "credit/weight" as an SOL.
-Only available in on-line delivery (Sorry, no paper/pencil at this time)
-Maintains test constructs,  but is less difficult than the SOL assessments
-Is 20% shorter than SOL assessments
-Reduce answer options from 4 to 3
-Simpler structure or vocabulary
-Add precise language for clarification
-Reduce number of variables, or simplify digits in mathematics problems
-Divide item into discrete steps
-Highlight, color code or box important information
-Provide strategies – reminders, hints, formulas
-Provide additional instructions
-Provide interactive tools
-Add/alter graphics
-Present items near relevant sections of short reading passages

To see samples of the Math VMAST and more information, click below.