
Families Save $50 Billion for College

Virginia 529 shares info for all planning for College. ( It will be here before you know it! )

July 4, 2014

Families Save $50 Billion for College

Have you heard the good news from Virginia529 College Savings Plan? Families have saved more than $50 billion for college through Virginia529’s four programs. That’s BILLION, with a B!

529 plans are a type of savings account that encourages people to save for college tax free. Savings in 529 plans totaled $227 billion by the end of last year. With 22 percent of that saved in our very own state’s plan, Virginia529 is at the top of the list, helping more than 1.4 million people across Virginia and the United States put aside funds for higher education.

In more good news, Virginia529 lowered investment fees for its largest program, CollegeAmerica, by seven percent. Earlier this year, they decreased fees for their inVEST program. Both reductions help families earn more on their savings. That, in turn, can enable them to make their college (or technical school) dreams a reality.

Learn more about Virginia529, the four options they offer and how you can get started saving at You also can follow them on Facebook and Twitter for college savings news, tips and special offers.