
Special Kids... Special Needs

Grandparents Tips for Special Needs Families

By Carissa Garabedian September 12, 2014

As parents of Special Needs children we  learn and grow every day. With grandparents day around the corner, here are some great things to share with grandparents who have  Special Needs grand-babies .


  • Show your grandchild that you love him every time you are with them just the way they are.
  • Have an open ear when your children want to talk to you. You do not always need to say anything  - listen.
  • Support the decisions they are making, even if you don't agree with all of them.
  • Show interest in  special programs / therapies that your grandchild is in, even if you do not understand it- ask questions.
  • Offer to help . Run an errand, a load of laundry, any kind of  household chores to take some of the burden off your child.
  • Be open to  sharing your own sadness and fears. Talking about how you do not know always know what to do or say is real and it is  okay to admit that there are times you  may feel overwhelmed . 
  • Look for support groups, or start one for other grandparents to talk about tips that work for them
  • Educate yourself . Attend  a class, find sites online, read books, stay in touch with family for updates.
  • Get active in your grandchild's development. If you are close by, maybe you can go to an appt with them
  • If you are dining out with your grandchildren, go to places that are lo key, not too structured, where there will not be a long wait. Have some paper and crayons.  If calling ahead is an option, do that too!
  • If you are not local to your grandchild, have a picture of you put on their calendar so they can see when you will be with them again
  • Offer to babysit your grandchild for a few hours, or even overnight.  The parents would love a chance to enjoy some alone time . If you are  are not able to  babysit  or maybe you are not local, surprise them with a check to pay for a sitter. 
  • Take time for you. If you are not healthy, you will be not be good to your child, your grandchild or yourself.

Offering your support, your love and your presence is the best gift we can ask for.



There is no changing the diagnosis, but you can be a part of your grandchild’s life and I promise you this- you will learn from your Special Needs Grandchild every day in so many ways!