
Corner Barre Talks About Express Core Barre

Express Core Barre - Benefits of a shorter workout – Mac Kid

November 21, 2014

As the holiday season quickly approaches – you may be wondering how you’re going to squeeze your workouts in when time is already so tight!  Well good news because shorter workouts can be just as, if not even more effective than a standard hour long session.  

Corner Barre is now offering their most popular class – Core Barre – in a condensed, 45 minute format.  Core Barre is a high-energy, low-impact, full-body workout that typically lasts for 1 hour.  But people are busy, especially with Thanksgiving just around the corner!  If you’re someone who needs a little more time during the holiday season or otherwise, consider trying Express Core Barre.  This 45 minute class still provides a full-body, low-impact, challenging workout, but you’ll be in and out in just 45 minutes!  Express Core Barre has a slightly abbreviated arm and ab segment, so you’ll still get all of the killer barre work you’re looking for!  The stretching between sets is efficient and targeted, and the final cool-down stretch mirrors the longer class.   

Shortening the length of your workout is not necessarily a bad thing.  Getting in to better shape is really about the intensity of the exercise that you’re doing, not the length of time it takes you to do it.  Many people actually find themselves getting fitter faster when they opt for shorter workouts because they can work harder and with better form for a shorter amount of time.  For this reason, Corner Barre developed Express Core Barre – it’s an ideal option for perfecting your tuck if you’re on the move!