
Managing ADHD in College

By Heron Education May 5, 2023

For many high school students, the transition to higher education can be a challenging experience, and this is especially true for students diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). However, with the right strategies and support, students with ADHD can flourish academically and socially. This article highlights key ways students can manage their ADHD and seek the assistance they need to succeed.

First and foremost, it's essential for students with ADHD to recognize their unique needs and embrace their strengths. By understanding how their ADHD affects them, they can create a personalized approach to tackle the college environment. Strategies such as breaking down tasks into smaller steps, using visual aids, and setting up daily routines, to name a few, can help students stay organized and focused on their goals.

In addition to these self-management techniques, students with ADHD should seek out support from various resources available at their college or university. Many institutions offer disability services that can provide accommodations, such as extended time on exams or note-taking assistance. It’s important for students with ADHD to have up to date testing and recent documentation that substantiates the need for disability services. Each college or university may require different information. Unlike high school, it is the direct responsibility of the student to inquire and supply the necessary documentation to the disability office and its representatives. In most cases, parents will be unable to start this process. The disability office will determine whether your supplied documentation is sufficient to receive services. By registering with these services, students can ensure they receive the necessary accommodations to support their academic success. Click here for an example of the disability support services process at Marymount University in Arlington, VA 

Joining support groups or clubs for students with ADHD is another valuable resource. These groups offer an opportunity to connect with peers who share similar experiences and can provide understanding, guidance, and encouragement. Additionally, group members may share valuable tips and techniques that have worked for them in managing their ADHD.

It’s key for students with ADHD to prioritize self-care. College can be demanding, and it's important for students to maintain a healthy lifestyle by getting enough sleep, eating well, and engaging in regular exercise. By prioritizing their well-being, students with ADHD can better manage their symptoms and improve their overall college experience. With the right tools and support, students with ADHD can excel academically and socially, making the most of their college experience.

 If you would like more information about understanding this process, please contact Dr. Johnathan Harris, Education Specialist at Heron Education, and schedule a consultation.

The above article is not medical advice. Heron Education makes no assurances the suggestions are intended to diagnose or treat individuals with ADHD.