April is a month that brings mixed emotions for me. It is a month that many help to celebrate and accept Autism. I actually embrace it and share even though a strong part of me wants to hide. Our family lives it every day, we know all of the highs and lows. We want nothing more than acceptance and awareness but at the same time, don’t always want to be seen or to answer any questions.
It is nice to have a month that everyone in this “group” can feel a little more supported and those not in it, a little more educated. It can be a little lonely and a little overwhelming at times.
What can you do to help? Parents, teachers & friends; you can talk to your kids & students that do not have Autism, let them know that:
~All of our brains work differently because kids with Autism may not learn it the same way does not mean they can’t do it.
~You may not know by looking at a child that they have Autism. There is no “one look”.
~Many kids with Autism are concrete thinkers. Saying to our son “if you eat all those french fries you will turn into a potato” is confusing. He thinks he will and does not understand why or how.
~Language is tough for many kids with Autism, some do not speak at all, and many use their hands or even iPads to help them communicate.
~Autistic kids can be really good at some things! Our son loves video games, another friend’s son loves to play tag. There can be a common bond, try to find it and see that YOU can be a friend.
~Many kids with Autism may not look at you when you talk but they hear you. Be patient, our kids want to be your friend.
~It is easy to walk away and think, “that kid is weird.” Be the one that wants to make a difference. We ALL do weird things. Look around at your “typical” friends – they have quirky things too.
~If everyone is not laughing, it may not be funny, don’t laugh AT, laugh with!
As parents, we are scared and those of us with typical kids also struggle with guilt in a lot of what we do.
With acceptance comes some peace. As special needs parents, we truly are on a journey with no real answers.
With your help, we are getting one step closer to what we are trying for every day – more acceptance, every day.
It is not just our children who yearn for acceptance, but us, the parents, the ones who have more moments of the unknown than known.