
Hi, From Carissa 4/26/19

April 26, 2019

Hello Richmond Friends,  I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter/ Passover holiday, after the crazy storms on Friday, the sunshine was a welcomed gift! Our college freshman comes home this week! 1 year down and, it went FAST! I am super excited to have her home and looking forward to a little more activity in the house! Can you believe it is going to be May this coming week? Mother's Day is around the corner! Our Pinterest board shares tons of ideas with you for crafts and fun! We will have some special and fun giveaways next week just for moms!

We are working on a Farmer's Market Guide, sponsored by Chiknegg . If you are looking for the 2019 Richmond Festival Guide , it is here and more dates are being added. The Big Kitchen, our sponsor, offers dinner to go, without ever leaving your car! 

Camps are filling up, if you are looking for ideas, check out our guide here.

 Our Facebook page has been growing with friends and we are so excited!  If you aren't a friend yet, check us out. I am thankful for your support and love of Richmond  Macaroni Kid, thanks for being a part of my Richmond Macaroni Kid Family. I love what I do because of all of you! Those of you that are on Facebook,  stay tuned for fun there this week too! Here is our Richmond Macaroni Kid Facebook page if you haven't become a fan yet!

Quotes of the week! Mother's Day All Month Long

A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie. ~Tenneva Jordan

If you have a mom, there is nowhere you are likely to go where a prayer has not already been. ~Robert Brault


Flying Squirrels Family pack- see the article and another on Facebook this weekend 

Jellystone Park Of Natural Bridge Camping Giveaway - see article 


Kane Brown- Innsbrook After Hours - Kristen Colegrove 

Tazza Gift Card- Meredith Mannamkattal 

Our calendar here will show you some of the highlights, but on the site, you can see weeks and weeks and our full calendar! ! Please remember to check with venues before heading out as we are not informed when events are rescheduled or canceled! The listing below is only a sampling of our calendar, for the full Richmond events link, check out here-.

We send a very special thanks to all of our Richmond Macaroni Kid sponsors/ partners, they make it possible for us to offer this free e-newsletter and website to you. We couldn't do it without them.

Wishing you all a wonderful week.

