Happy Friday Richmond friends! This was a week that seemed to drag out with no real direction, yet, I had so much to do! Do you know what I mean? I am feeling all of the emotions of one daughter getting ready to go back to school, one daughter already having moved out and living her best life and our son getting ready to enter his junior year- in his way. It all has me feeling BLAH! I know it will all be ok and it is all part of this thing called life- but, this week has me wishing it was June.
We had a great night this week visiting my oldest at her apartment downtown, we had dinner, shopping, and ice cream. It was fun and I was really proud of watching her show off her home to friends. I know I say this all the time, but our city is really cool!
Welcome, Tuckahoe Orthopaedics to our business directory. We look forward to great content from them and you can access all info on their services and locations in the directory.
Each week we will share some back to school tips and info, slow and steady to get ready- this week we have a few more, including one by me and the transition of his sister headed to college.
If you haven't saved these 2 links, bookmark them now, It will be a big Summer Help! The 2019 Regal Movie Summer Program and Summer Reading perks are happening!
Don't forget to check out our guides:
Here are the FESTIVALS
Here are the FARMER'S Markets
And, here are our quotes :
There isn't a child who hasn't gone out into the brave new world who eventually doesn't return to the old homestead carrying a bundle of dirty clothes. ~Art Buchwald
If at first you don't succeed, do it like your mother told you. ~Author unknown
KINGS DOMINION FAMILY 4 Pack - see article
Lewis Ginter! Kristy Bearfield
\We send a very special thanks to all of our Richmond Macaroni Kid sponsors/ partners, they make it possible for us to offer this free e-newsletter and website to you. We couldn't do it without them.
please be sure to check them out!
Our calendar here will show you some of the highlights, but on the site, you can see weeks and weeks and our full calendar! ! Please remember to check with venues before heading out as we are not informed when events are rescheduled or canceled! The listing below is only a sampling of our calendar, for the full Richmond events link, check out here-.
Wishing you all a wonderful week.