
Love And Kindness Win In Virginia Repertory's ‘CINDERELLA’

December 20, 2019

Rodgers and Hammmerstein's Cinderella classic is magically brought to life at the Virginia Rep, November theatre.

Upon first impression, the stage set up and lighting were remarkable. The cast performed a magnificent display that incorporated the classic Cinderella that we all know and love, with a teaspoon of witty commentary and a very important message of kindness.

Without  taking all the surprise away, there was a moment on stage where Cinderella showed kindness to an outcast who turned out to be someone very important in her journey. I really loved the emphasis of never knowing who you are meeting and how they may need some of your kindness or generosity.

The "magic" of Cinderella was one all in the audience experienced, right before our eyes, Cinderella spins into gorgeous gowns and her voice carries us away singing classics like Ten Minutes Ago and In My Own Little Corner,. You will like Cinderella's  "wicked" stepsisters  in this and Charlotte, is very funny!

My daughters, son and I went to see this tonight with moments of laughter, sadness, anticipation and joy, this is a performance you won’t want to miss.  Love and kindness conquer all in this wonderful performance. 

It’s definitely suitable for both adults and children. 

 Virginia Rep's Cinderella is running through January 5 and we have a  Discount Code- MACELLA, good for $5 off Standard and Premium seats for the rest of the shows! 

This is a great idea as a gift-giving experience! We loved it! 

For Ticket Information you can contact the box office: 804-282-2620 or visit them online at