
Stay In Touch!

August 29, 2024

This is my official last newsletter, as I shared this with my family at dinner, Marky screamed "Hooray, my mom is retired from Macaroni Kid" and then calculated how many weeks are in 14 years! ( 740 is the answer). He associated my publishing with being famous, which we know is NOT the case, but, he is very relieved! Ha! 

I will miss certain aspects of this, but the memories are all bright ones and my hope is that someone with great energy and tons of creativity will step in and create a great site for Richmond families! 

I will be working on finding employment for Marky and pursuing my new travel career. I am now also  a Certified Accessible Travel Advocate®, I am able to meet the requests for special needs, mobility challenged, and mature market segments. I really am enjoying this !

Please stay in touch if you'd like. My email is

Thank you for being a part of Mac Kid with me and I wish you all good health, laughter and love.

