
Create A Summer Bucket List

June 9, 2023

Summer is almost here, we have a great   way to prepare for all your family wants to do - a bucket list! 

Grab a a bucket from your home or a local dollar store, some clothes pins, a  marker, and have everyone write down some summer fun ideas! write down one idea on each clothes pin and clip the pins all around the bucket. Include some local events that you  want to attend.  Create some guidelines if you want to keep it local ! When you've completed something off the list,  drop the  clothespin in the bucket. Your kids will love watching your bucket fill up!

Here are some ideas for your Summer Bucket List, including some RVA  local spots! If you want to add an element for you- throw in a date night idea too!

* Splash / Water spots in RVA 

* A zoo - locally we have Richmond Metro 

* Local playground - a list for you !

*Drive in movie - Locally we have Goochland !

Go to the beach

*Local Water Creeks 

*Go for a family hike- local or make a trip out of it 

*Join A  Summer Reading Club

* Visit a Local Museum 

*Camp out in back yard or plan a camping getaway 

*Family game night or how about a game afternoon 

*Plan a day trip ( some ideas within 2 hours

*Visit an amusement park- locally  we have Kings Dominion and Busch Gardens in Williamsburg

*Lemonade stand or cookies and then donate the earning to your fave organization 

*Surprise a neighbor with a handmade gift or cookies 

*Clean out those junk drawers together on a rainy day 

*Save your boxes and Build a fort

*Go horseback riding

*Grab some  chalk and paint away outside

*Roller skating

*Pack a picnic

*Watch a sunrise/sunset

*Make a bird feeder

*Canoeing/boating/white-water rafting

*Watch the butterflies

Tell us what's on your summer bucket list!